Top Tips for Dads to Bond with Their New Born Baby

New mums have been bonding with their newborn child for the past nine months during pregnancy. However, for dads they have to start when the child is born. This can be difficult and some men feel they are at a disadvantage because of this. However, by taking a big interest in a few different things, bonding with your new born will be easy for you and you will love every minute.

Share Some Early Special Moments

In the early days, life will be hectic with many people all wanting to come and visit your new child. This is great, and nice to see so many people round supporting, but don’t let it get in the way of you spending some quality moments with your beautiful baby. These early moments are very special and a vital part of creating a bond between your two, your baby need to know that you are there to help as well as your partner.
Finding time will be hard, but make sure you do and make sure that you spend as much time with your new baby in the early days as you can.

Make Bath Time, Dad Time!

This is even more important if your partner is breastfeeding your baby. If she is then this is the only intimate time you will be able to find as a dad. Bath time can be a great bonding moment and if you feel like you are struggling to find time to bond then make sure you are involved with bath time as much as you can be. Use this time to talk to your new baby, to connect and to have some precious moments with each other.

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If you manage to make this work then going forward you know you will have time set aside just for the two of you on most days, if not every single day. Your partner will not mind this, they will appreciate the time away and it gives you a great excuse for you and your baby to get together.

Buy a Special Daddy Toy

Your new child is going to get a lot of gifts from friends and family, many of those gifts will be soft toys. However, I think it is worth buying a soft toy for your new baby from you, so that you can use it to bond over. This can be baby’s special toy from daddy that they carry around everywhere with them. When they get older and understand, tell them about the soft toy to show the type of bond you had when they were younger.
Bonding with your new baby can be tough, especially if you have a lot of visitors and struggle to find the time. Use bath time to your advantage and make a connection during this time. I also advise buying a cuddly toy for your baby, one that will be special and kept for many years so you can talk about it later in life.